[Glade-devel] Why libxml2 and not GMarkupParser?

--- James Henstridge <james daa com au> wrote:
On 13/01/04 04:47, Tim M�ller wrote:

GMarkupParser only accepts a small subset of valid
XML files.  Is that 
subset good enough?  Some of the things not
supported include:

    * files in encodings other than UTF-8
    * entities other than &gt;, &lt; and &amp;
    * anything related to DTDs ...

What limitations do other glade file consumers have?
 What features do 
glade file producers produce?

I don't know of a lot of glade consumers/producers. 
To my knowledge the list includes:

 * glade2
 * glade3
 * libglade
 * glade2c
 * edalg

On glade3 I would like to stick to the XML subset
readable by GMarkupParser.  edalg doesn't work well
enough to be important, and anyway it produces
GMarkupParser compliant glade files.


Joaquin Cuenca Abela
e98cuenc at yahoo dot com

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