[Glade-devel] Embedding glade in other applications (like IDE )

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 21:48, Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:
It intalls in parallel with glade-2 so I don't think it's any 
problem if it's useless. By making a release you show more 
people that it needs their help and you show more people that 
it's near-enough finished that their help can take it that 
last few steps to being usable.

I personally prefer to wait, mainly because there is already an app that
does what glade-3 do (glade-2), so there is no much user benefit in having
glade-3 in a packaged form.

Now, all the latest work on glade-3 has been done by Paolo, and I don't want
to impose my opinion on this point.  If he thinks that we're ready for a
release, I don't see any real problem, as far as it's marked that it's alpha
quality with big bold letters.

Well, it's clear that we are _not_ ready for a release in the meaning of
having an usable GUI designer. On the other hand if putting a tarball
out helps to attract some attention/developers I'm all for it.

Bottom line is: I don't have a strong opnion if it's better put out a
tarball or not and feedback from more experinced people would be very
welcome. In particular it would be very appreciated if someone not
biased could check out what's in cvs and *honestly* tell us if the
impression he gets is:

* "cool piece of work, but a bit immature but shows potential... I saw
this bug foobar, can you fix it?"


* "hey you told me to try it, but it sucks! I don't want to hear about
it in the next 5 years"

That is, what we want to do is attract developers not scare them away.


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