Re: [Gimp-user] A sad case of regression ?

On 06/15/2013 12:42 PM, Helen wrote:
Your steps are pretty much the same as mine.  The misunderstanding
Iguess is that, after I export,  the .jpg file disappears.  Yes, the
original image is there, with all it's layers and that is good, but at
this point, I am finished with the .xcf file and I want to see the
jpg.  But it is gone, so I have to re-open it.  i may tweak it for the
agent or gallery, but I can't save it and send it to them,  because as
soon as I re- opened it,  it became .xcf again.  so I have to export
again, and, again, it disappears, so I hve to open the jpg again, and
of course it reverts to ..xcf again ...   it's not the exporting that
is causing the trouble-- that's easy enough to do.  it's the fact that
after I export to jpg, the jpg disappears and I have to keep
re-opening it.   Not good.  Yes, the original file is still there, but
my agent does not want that one.

Ok, I better understand what you're saying.  I just went through the
process again and I think the biggest "obstacle" here is your
description of things.  Here's what I mean:  when I (or you) open the
JPEG image, it appears in the GIMP image window as an image, either in
indexed mode, grayscale mode, or RGB mode.  It's not really a "JPEG" or
"PNG" or anything, since those are image _file_ formats.   When you make
an edit on the image and you export it, the JPEG doesn't "disappear" and
the edited image still shows in the image window. It's that you want to
see the _exported_ JPEG file to confirm the export resulted in the JPEG
file you wanted to create for the client.

When I export JPEG files from GIMP, I also view them to make sure they
look good but I tend to view them outside of GIMP, since I have no need
to re-open them to make changes.  Why? Because the original image I
edited is *still* loaded in the GIMP image window, waiting for me to
either save it, as a XCF file, or to make more changes to it.

I think you're thinking you have to re-open the exported JPEG file in
GIMP to make more edits is causing some confusion.



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Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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