Re: [Gimp-user] (no subject)


Yes, this is the right spot to ask questions about using gimp (though not as right a place as searching the internet beforehand).
However, it's not entirely clear what it is exactly that you want to do, which, i guess, is why you didn't get much of an answer.
My guess is that you're trying to take part of an image and move it to somewhere else in the same image. To do that you have to:
1. Select that part of your image (for example using the "Rectangle"-Tool that is automatically active when you start GIMP).
2. 'Select -> Float' (or Ctrl+Shift+L). This will lift out the selected part from the rest of the image (into a temporary layer, if you're familiar with the concept)
3. You can now Drag'n'Drop the part wherever you want.
4. A single click outside the selection will anchor the selected part back to the rest of the image. Done.


Am 03.12.2012 00:33, schrieb Christopher Draper:
I'm not sure if this is the right spot but how do I grab an image and move it around?

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