Re: [gedit-list] How to install spell check dictionaries in Gedit on Windows

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 7:54 PM Misrot Mehadrin via gedit-list <gedit-list gnome org> wrote:

We are a charity that helps disadvantaged people to get back on track. To this end we provide them with paid occupation. One of them is proof-reading/editing of ancient OCRed texts that we release later under the GNU Free Documentation License. Those people do not have technical background, so we need a super simple text editor. Gedit is great for this task. Unfortunately most of those people work on Windows. Gedit being cross-platform helps us here as well. But we can't get Gedit under Windows to spell-check texts. How can we add a dictionary for spell checking in Gedit on Windows? (To be more specific - we need Hebrew spell checking).

Thank you very much in advance!
I noticed your question on while researching this, so I thought I would post my answer there:

Hope that helps,

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