Re: [gedit-list] GtkSourceView Popup

Hi Steve,
	using a "populate-completion-popup" signal instead of an interface
could be an alternative approach from the implementation point of view.
But, from a design point of view the two solutions in this case are
mostly equivalents.
Clearly we will need to evaluate pros and cons of both approaches in the
However, in this phase I am more interested in the design of the ADTs
that we need to define to represent single completion items and
prioritized lists of completion items.


On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 21:42 +0100, Steve Fr�naux wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 21:26 +0100, Steve Fr�naux wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 11:20 +0100, Paolo Maggi wrote:
> > > I think we need an interface "AutocompletionSource" that the various
> > > autocompletion sources must implement.
> > 
> > Maybe I'm a bit old school, or just like simplicity and coherency with
> > existing stuff, but what about a simple "autocompletion-populate"
> > signal ? It would be damn simple to extend an object to listen to it (no
> > need for inheritance), and the interface you describe is mostly an
> > observer anyway.
> Let me extend:
> You have a list model for completion (containing cols like an icon, a
> text, a weight, eventually something else as needed). You can then
> manipulate this model using add, remove, etc.
> Now your gtktextview has a "populate-completion-popup" signal, with a
> textiter as the argument. An object that wants to add entries in the
> completion popup just adds or modifies the model as needed. Eventually,
> the model can be kept from time to time and the object can do something
> more clever than adding the same entries again and again.
> As an analogy, you can look at the "populate-popup" signal for GtkEntry
> or GtkTextView. An object connects to it and then add menuitems to the
> menu as needed.
> This looks a very simple and pragmatic way of doing things. I can't
> think of any case where this wouldn't be sufficient. What do you think
> about it ?

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