Re: [Geary] import / sync contacts

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 4:50 AM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
For example, when I start typing a mailing list address I write to often, which starts with debian, I get lots of adresses (mostly debian bugs adresses) and I must type a lot and correctly to get the right address on top of the list. Sometimes the mailman address of a mailing list, used to manage a subscription, is on top and you can easily choose it instead of the right one if you do not pay attention.

In a nutshell, if Geary was able to list the contacts using some sort of "scoring system" (most used addresses on top of search list), as Gmail and Thunderbird do, I would not miss any contact manager integrated in Geary.

Geary does have a scoring system, but it's based on the role a given email address plays. Highest ranked are those used in emails you've sent, then come those where you were a To: recipients, followed by those where you are a CC: or aren't listed. The full ranking can be seen in src/engine/api/geary-contact-importance.vala. If an email address appears in multiple roles, the highest one wins. The contact completion uses these rankings when sorting.

So if you're seeing an address to which you've never written appear higher than an address to which you have written, that's a bug. Please report it. Note, however, that Geary trusts the email headers -- if a bug tracker generates an email from your address to a bug address, Geary will treat that the same as if you had composed the email yourself.


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