jhbuild build gnome-sudoku stopped working


After finding out that a bug in gnome-sudoku, affecting the revision distributed with Ubuntu 16.04, I wanted to build a "bug free" version to use instead.

I had jhbuild up and working but something was not correct with the built game.
The bug which was that the game always started with same board is fixed and I could observe that.
However when clicking on a cell the application crashed due to missing a gtk widget.
I did not take note which widget since I wanted to start with a clean slate, e.g. remvoved the jhbuild folders ./checkout and ./install and executed the commands:
 $ jhbuild sysdeps --install gnome-sudoku
 $ jhbuild build gnome-sudoku
which then fails on:

*** Konfigurerar appstream-glib *** [15/27]
~/jhbuild/checkout/appstream-glib/autogen.sh --prefix ~/jhbuild/install --disable-Werror --disable-stemmer --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc 
autopoint: *** The AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION declaration in your configure.ac
               file requires the infrastructure from gettext-0.19.8 but this version
               is older. Please upgrade to gettext-0.19.8 or newer.
autopoint: *** Stop.
*** Fel under fas configure för appstream-glib: ########## Fel vid körning av ~/jhbuild/checkout/appstream-glib/autogen.sh --prefix ~/jhbuild/install --disable-Werror --disable-stemmer --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc  *** [15/27]

I kept on reading jhbuild Newcomers page and got to the point on how to fix configure errors.
The problem is there does not exist an "gettext-0.19.8 or newer" version for Ubuntu 16.04
When checking:
gettext_0.19.7-2ubuntu3_amd64.deb is the latest version.

This worked yesterday but not today!
How do I solve this?

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