Re: [Evolution] Let's unite the power of all mailing list subscribers who are affected by GNOME's ruling

Hi Ralf,

I've briefly looked into the alternatives:

* - way too expensive for us
* - political organization
* Google Groups - free, no positive / negative experience
* Freedesktop - maybe they could accept a couple of low-traffic lists?

If other lists find a good solution, please let us know. Thanks!

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

On Sun, 23 Oct 2022, Ralf Mardorf via mc wrote:


I'm a long time Evolution mailing list subscriber, who just recently
subscribed to the gimp and mc mailing list, since we all suffer from the
decision that the GNOME mailing lists get shut down this month.

Reading the MC archive I noticed the question regarding If
it's free as in beer or not depends on the count of subscribers and the
needed storage space. In short, it likely is not for free as in beer.

I opened a ticket with a request at .

On the Evolution mailing list a user asked
"What other Gnome lists (analogous to evolution-list) are currently
scrambling with the abrupt decision to switch to discourse?

[snip]" -

Let's unite our power{,lessness}!

mc mailing list

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