Re: [Evolution] search in GAL contacts

On Mon, 2022-10-10 at 11:18 +0200, Wiethoff, Helge via evolution-list
2. search for a contact "Foo" by "in any field"

how is your GAL configured, please? If you have filled correct OAB URL
in Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts-><EWS account>->Edit->Receiving
Email tab, then in the Receiving Options tab you can set the GAL to be
an Offline Address Book (that's the OAB for), which provides more
information than the online GAL and it works even without network.

The delay can be that it's trying to refresh the book data under the
hood, which can block other operations. Once the refresh is done, the
new requests are processed in a timely manner. The GAL can show a
spinning circle beside its name, indication that it's doing something.
Hovering a mouse above it shows a tooltip with the details information
about what it is doing.

The GAL also supports downloading photos of the contacts. You can
disable it in the GAL book Properties (context menu option above the
GAL in the Contacts view).


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