[Evolution] New Exchange appointments created in wrong time zone


In the past few days, all calendar appointments created in my organizational calendar (an Office365-hosted Exchange calendar) are created in the wrong time zone. I am in US-Eastern (America/New_York), and my system settings as well as Evolution settings are both set to America/New_York. Here's the MWE.

(1) Create a calendar entry - notice the time and time zone - and close and save the entry.

(2) Examine the displayed entry - notice that it says 10:00 am, not 2:00 pm as was created above.

(3) Open the entry - notice that the time zone has changed to Atlantic/Reykjavik, and the status has changed to Confirmed.

Changing the time zone in the entry does NOT work - it reverts to Atlantic/Reykjavik even after selecting the right time zone and changing it.

Other information:
- Appointments created in a personal "On This Computer" calendar work fine, no problem.
- Appointments created in this Exchange calendar via Outlook365 (online) or via my iPhone work fine, no problem.

System information:
Debian bookworm/sid, Linux kernel 5.15.0, Evolution 3.42.3-1 via Debian repository

Thanks for any advice!

Andy Perrin

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