Re: [Evolution] Doubleclick to open calendar entry

Hi Milan,

On Tue, 2017-08-01 at 13:21 +0200, Michael Hirmke wrote:
is it possible to configure, that one can open an all day calendar
entry by double clicking it?

there is no such configuration. I tried it, and it works for me. The
Day View, all day events are at the top, double-clicking it opens it in
an editor.

not here.
Here the first click always leads to a mode for editing the subject - no
matter how fast the second click is following.

Maybe click first, thus the event gets focus (and blinking  cursor),
then double-click? I think I saw a request to disable inline changes,
thus this double-clicking would work always, without the focus

Yes, excactly - this works.
Three clicks are  bit annoying, but I can live with it ;)


Thx and bye.
Michael Hirmke

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