Re: [Evolution] Semi-OT: How to run evolution without gnome-session?

On Sat, 2014-02-15 at 12:48 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Sat, 2014-02-15 at 16:21 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Regarding to your wish to stay away from systemd:

I wasted much time with bad emotions when fighting against systemd, when
Arch Linux made the transition. Many others had similar emotions and
some of them were banned from the Arch mailing list. Don't waste your
energy in the same way, systemd will come and it's not the end of the



There are pros and cons and you will become used to systemd. 



I really hope there are sufficiently many people opposing systemd, so a
fork of e.g. gnome can be created. gnome is no longer under the umbrella
of FSF, obviously :(

Shame on all people creating software being GPL2 only :(

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