Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Gmail

When I delete messages in Gmail it's moved to the [Gmail]/Trash folder
from which it's permanently deleted after 30 days. So all it would take
to get it working was having an option to set the Trash folder just like
you can sett Sent and Drafts.

You should be aware that the "Trash" folder in Evo is not a real folder
- it's effectively a search folder that shows all messages that are
currently marked for deletion (please untick View->Hide Deleted Messages
so you can see the deleted messages in their original folders) - as such
re-implementing the Trash as a real folder would take a considerable
amount of work.

Also you should consider the process that is necessary to delete a
message under the two schemes - for the Evo/IMAP model all you need to
do is a single "mark as deleted" operation over IMAP followed at some
later time by an expunge; for the "move to trash" paradigm you need to
do a "copy message to folder" (IMAP only has a copy operation), "mark
message as deleted in original folder", "expunge original folder".  The
killer is that the "expunge" operation is a time costly process, but if
you don't do the expunge you will be left with lots of messages marked
for deletion in the original folder.  It may be OK if you are deleting a
single message - but I often delete 100s or 1000s at a time...


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