Re: [Evolution] group-reply without to me

El día Monday, July 26, 2010 a las 09:10:00AM -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan escribió:

On Mon, 2010-07-26 at 14:08 +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
Sometimes (nearly all of the times, but I saw exeption) when I do a
group-reply Evo put's me as well in the list of Cc:.

Is this somehow avoidable / configureable? Thanks

Do you have anything set in Preferences-><account>->Defaults in the
fields for automatic CC or BCC?

No, both boxes about automatic Cc and Bcc are unchecked.


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru unixarea de> - w
Solidarity with the zionistic pirates of Israel?   Not in my  name!
¿Solidaridad con los piratas sionistas de Israel? ¡No en mi nombre!

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