Re: [Evolution] Folder Synchronization Inconsistencies

On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 11:15 -0400, Philippe LeCavalier wrote:
On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 10:40 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: 
On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 10:00 -0400, Philippe LeCavalier wrote:
On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 08:18 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote: 
If that doesn't resolve it, the obvious answer is that you copied remote
mail to local folders and deleted it. Perhaps you have the "Copy folder
content locally"
hm. Now I'm even more confused...I hadn't realized that you can set
that on a per-folder basis so obviously I hadn't been playing with
that. I simply had the "Automatically synchronize remote mail locally"
set to achieve my goal of having a complete archive on both my laptop
and the remote server.

It's fairly recent addition. Right-click on the folder name and select


Can I assume that if I don't have folder specific settings [they're
all unchecked] and have the "Automatically synchronize remote mail
locally" set that 100% of folders are keeping mail locally?

That would be my assumption.


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