Re: [Evolution] Problems with evolution in Windows

On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 21:06 +0000, Ian Ferguson wrote:
2. When I click a link in an email, I get an error message saying "No
application is registered as handling this file". I have Firefox set
as my default browser, and I can't find anywhere to register an
application in Evolution.

you can setup this in a system, no need to have it in the application
itself, even I agree that having such option in the application adds
some value to it.

It used to be in a Control Panel->Add/Remove Applications (or Programs,
I'm not sure with the exact english term), though the last I saw it was
in Windows XP. Setup somewhere there a different application for a
"mailto:"; URLs.

You can do the same for a firefox only, in its preferences, tab
Applications, type "mailto" (quotes for clarity only) in a search field.
        Hope that helps,

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