Re: [Evolution] First impressions of 2.24.1

On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 08:28 -0500, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 08:35 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Last night I updated my Fedora 9 installation to Fedora 10, which brings
with it Evo 2.24.1. A few initial comments:

1) The unread message count in the folder list is frequently wrong, in
fact much more than it used to be in earlier version of Evo. In other
words, the folder shows 3 unread messages when in fact there are none.
This happens with several different folders. There doesn't seem to be an
easy way to force Evo to fix the count. Perhaps this is a bug in the new
SQL indexing code?

Just FYI, we do have a tracker for issues suspected to be related to the
new SQL indexing code.  Please check there first before filing any bugs:

That's useful. has a
lot about possible incorrect counts in vfolders, which would seem to be
what I'm seeing.


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