Re: [Evolution] unable to authenticate with Exchange server

On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 15:54 -0400, Piotr Romanus wrote:

Also check your disk space just to be sure.
That was probably the problem. My disk was almost full ~10 Megs left
(and I thought that nowadays I don't have to worry about disk space!).
So I freed 13 Gigs and rebooted the box. Unfortunately after rebooting
I still have the same problems. I wonder if some of the evo configs get
corrupted. Any other ideas?

So eventually I decided to delete my evo config (deleting just the
exchange account would not help):
rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/evolution
rm -rf ~/.evolution
Subsequently I logged out and logged in again. After reconfiguring
exchange account from the scratch everything is working fine.


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