Re: [Evolution] Moving to Evo from Thunderbird?

On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 10:30 +1100, Andrew Greig wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 13:37:39 -0400
From: "Patrick O'Callaghan" <poc usb ve>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Moving to Evo from Thunderbird?
To: Chris Williams <chris williams armstrong edu>
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Message-ID: <1194457069 24461 10 camel bree>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 11:38 -0500, Chris Williams wrote:
That's very true on my Ubuntu system... Thunderbird is the more stable
of the two clients. However, I put up with it.
On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 12:46 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: 
Without wanting to start a religious war, it's been my personal
experience that Evo crashes and/or hangs a lot more than TB on the same
platform (many versions of Fedora using KDE). Despite this, I use Evo
nearly all the time because I'm comfortable with it (maybe that's why I
see more problems :-)

I can't be the only exception to this.  I've been using Evo since
it's .9x days on various flavors of Fedora Core, and recently Ubuntu.
In all this time, I have only seen Evo crash a handful of times.  My
initial impression is that Exchange users are the ones that seem to
suffer the most, is that the case?  

Not for me. I don't have any Exchange accounts.

Admittedly, I only use Evo to check 5-7 IMAP accounts and occasionally a
Groupwise account.  I guess I just wanted to comment that there are
cases where Evo has, and continues to be rock-solid for some users.

No doubt, but in a way that's actually more worrying. i.e. Evo works for
some people most of the time and for other people not so much. Evo in
all its incarnations has had variable levels of reliability for me, on
two different machines, always using Fedora and KDE. The distro packages
have I think been more reliable than self-compiled versions, which might
mean something. Right now I'm using a self-compiled 2.12.1 on F7 with
all distro updates installed and the entire UI freezes every few seconds
when I'm typing, when changing folders, and when (apparently) contacting
the IMAP server, plus evolution-alarm-notify sometimes eats 100% of CPU
and has to be killed (I notice because I monitor my CPU temperature!).


Hi Patrick,

A few years ago I used to get freezing of the GUI and a stalled or
interrupted flow of text when typing.  One of the guys in a LUG that I
haunt, suggesting checking my network settings, especially the hosts
file. So apart from having localhost
I added andrew.Family.home  andrew  to the hosts file, and
everything picked up speed, and no more freezing.

Fascinating. I'll try that, thanks.


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