Re: [Evolution] No English dictionary for me

hi nasey,

Am Dienstag, den 24.10.2006, 21:17 -0700 schrieb Renà Baker:
I log into the system using Gnome as the desktop and only find the
"Oriya" language available for spell checking. I cannot seem to figure
out how to make the "English" dictionary available to me.  If I use
other applications such as OpenOffice, the English dictionary works

Make sure you have "gnome-spell" >= 1.0.5, "aspell" and
"aspell-XX" (where "XX" is your locale, for example "aspell-en" for US
English or "aspell-en-uk" for British English) installed, depending on
our distribution package system. Evolution does not use "myspell".
Then go to "Edit | Preferences | Composer Preferences | Spell Checking",
and enable the available languages.
You can also check gnome-enabled dictionaries by using "gconf-editor".
The GConf key "/GNOME/Spell/language" should contain a space-separated
list of the languages you have enabled (i.e. "en-US es" for US english
and Spanish).
Also note that "aspell-0.6*" application is not compatible with
"aspell-0.5*" dictionaries.  Either upgrade your aspell dictionaries or
downgrade your aspell application, and the problem should go away.

If all these suggestions do not solve your spellchecking problems, you
could also try the hard way: Shut Evolution down by closing Evolution
and then using the command "evolution --force-shutdown".
After that, run "gconftool-2 --unset /GNOME/Spell/mtime". Now restart
Evolution and check the dictionaries list, it should be updated
If all this does not help, remove the file
"$HOME/.gconf/GNOME/Spell/%gconf.xml" so all your spellchecking settings
get deleted. The file gets recreated and according to some users on the
Evolution mailing list, spellchecking should work again.

this is all that i know. :-)


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