Re: [Evolution] Mail notification for 2.6

On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 15:30 -0700, Scott Anderson wrote:
mail-notification quit working for me once I updated to evo 2.6.  The debian bug report hints that
the dbus notification was fixed in 2.6 and requested mail-notification to update.  Are there other
ways of getting a visual clue that email has arrived?  Sound is not an option in the open
environment here at work.


Sorry to jump in on this thread but this whole topic has bothered me for
a while and I've looked into it several times. I've been using some
flavor of Fedora Core full time on my laptop starting at FC2 (IIRC). So
I've been using evolution since then. I have NEVER had any type of
notification and it really bugs me. Evolution has the option for at
least playing a sound, but that has never worked for me. Some type of
task tray notification would be best (currently using gnome). Now I'm
running FC5 with evolution 2.6.1-1.fc5.2. 

I was hoping that with 2.6 it would "just work" but sadly it does not. 

Can someone explain to me why built in notification does not work? Is it
the version problem? Am I missing some needed packages? Maybe I'm
missing a configuration step? There's talk of patches, but if you update
Evo I assume those get whacked. 

In reading this thread I don't know who's responsibility this should be.
In some ways I would think it would be the evolution developers, but I
guess so many things change with updates and different distros, maybe
that's asking too much? 

In my case it would even be nice to just have Evolution pop up a box on
the screen saying you have new mail (without running a secondary
external program). I would think this could be completely built in to
Evo and not have the issues like sound has. 

Sorry to rant, I really like Linux and really like Evolution, but things
like this are annoying.


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