Re: [Evolution] Question # 1

Thanks for the inputs to my question #1 from Ritesh Khadgaray and Andre

On the advice of Ritesh, I found gconftool in /usr/bin and started
writing my command line as indicated by Andre.

Now, I am stuck with qa last problem: in Mandriva, you do not ahve a
folder called /Desktop.

You have a number of Desktop folderes in /usr, /etc and /var. I tried
the two which at first sight appeared to be the most likely to fint and
did not "strike gold"..

Now, here is the list of my folders containing Desktop or desktop:

     1. /home/yvesbaja (my user name)
     2. /usr/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop
     3. /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/desktop
     4. /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/nautilus/desktop
     5. /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/desktop
     6. /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/apps/nautilus/desktop
     7. /home/yvesbaja/gconf./desktop
     8. /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kcontrol/desktop
     9. /usr/share/doc/HTML/fr/kcontrol/desktop
    10. /usr/share/mcc/desktop  mcc styands for Mandriva Control Centre
    11. /usr/share/rpmdrake/desktop
    12. /var/lib/gnome/desktop

I modified Andre's script for folders | 2 and 12. without success.

Is there among you one person who would be capable of helping me make a
choice among the ten rfemaining locations?


Yves Bajard

PS: I leave the previous excnage below, for clarity

Le vendredi 04 août 2006 à 06:58 +0530, Ritesh Khadgaray a écrit :
On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 23:11 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
hi yves,

Am Mittwoch, den 02.08.2006, 22:44 -0700 schrieb Yves Bajard:
One problem, though: my /opt is empty. Where can I find for

depends on the gnome installation directory of your distribution, don't
know about mandrake specifically.

mandriva does not install any software under /opt afaik
/usr/bin/gconftool-2 . should be in your PATH .

I work in KDE 3.4.2.

doesn't KDE also have a file search? ;-)

Yes, a  nd I used it, Thanks.


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