Re: [Evolution] evolution junk filtering

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 10:52, Feel the [Fury] wrote:
hi, I just upgraded to evolution 2.0.2 and it seems there is a new junk
email filtering feature, but it does not seem to work...I enabled it in
the preferences, and when I saw no filtering, I created a filter rule
testing for junk and putting it into a junk folder...however, that did
not work either...all the junk mail still goes to my inbox...I now
created a manual junk filter, using words like "refinance" and
"mortgage" to filter it, but I would still like the learning filter that
this version of evolution was supposed to come with...thanks

I suggest doing your antispam filtering via something like procmail,
instead of evolution.  So far, my understanding is that if you do your
antispam filtering via evolution, then evolution will tend to give long
pauses where you can't do much.

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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