Re: [Evolution] errors migrating to Evolution 2.0.1

Am Mittwoch, den 06.10.2004, 07:24 -0700 schrieb Dan Sawyer:
Thanks for the reply. 

Neither the address book or the todo list were migrated from the 1.4

Is there a way they can be imported? I still have the 1.4 data.

hi dan,

you can force evolution to explicitly import all data by starting it
with "evolution --force-migrate". since you have already used 2.0,
evolution should *normally* ask you questions since the files already
exist (be careful to not overwrite your new email files with the old
ones by fault!).
therefore it's a bit risky and i'd strongly consider to backup
everything before doing this, e.g. by shutting down evolution properly
by "evolution --force-shutdown" and then .tar.gz'ing both the 2.0
directory ($HOME/.evolution) and the gconf keys regarding evolution.
take a look into the archives for an exact describtion...

cheers & good luck,

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