Re: [Evolution] Problems with mail notification

As it seems my mail has been dropped, i'm posting it again :
This past weekend, I bit the bullet and rebuilt my server account. I
copied all my IMAP and data folders away, blew away my account and
re-created it. I created a couple of Procmail rules (as blowing the
account away had cleaned those up), and all seemed well - messages
arriving and I was being notified (although the "Apply filters to new
messages in INBOX" setting seemed to stop new messages in the Inbox
being flagged until I set it off and then on again - so perhaps all
not as well as I thought...).

I have exactly the same behaviour with my evolution 1.4.4 on Mandrake
9.2. The problem wasn't there in 1.2 ...

I'm very frustrated by all of this - I like Evo, and very much want to
use the calendar and to do features, but it's getting to the point
I am totally confused as to what is going on here, and why. Jeffrey
Stedfast looked at a trace the first time I had this issue, and could
not see anything wrong from the Evo side, so I'm wondering, does
else on the list use UW IMAP and Procmail (in my case, on the Mitel
Server, which is a Red Hat 7.2 derivative)?

I'm using classical pop from different mailboxes (4, so certainly not
with the same system as you). So i suppose it is not related to your
IMAP/procmail config.

I currently have 44 folders, and 20-odd Procmail rules. I have Evo set
to check new mail every 2 minutes, have "Check for new messages in all
folders" set on, and currently have the "Apply filters..." not set. I 
tested my setup last week with a different account on the same server,
with a couple of Procmail rules, using a bulk mail shell script to
inject messages into the process, and it seemed to be working fine,
which is another reason I thought my account may have been the issue.

Could be, but i cannot find where, i've tried to clean up my evolution
folder, reduce the number of messages (the folder decreased from around
200 MB to 35) with still no luck :-((

Is it possible that there is a limitation on the number of folders one
can have?

I have 59 ...

I would very much appreciate any assistance.


I have remarked that if i close and open evo just after a while, folders
are correctly labelled. I presume there is a refreshing problem
somewhere (some cached files ?) but i cannot find where.


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