Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Spell Checker

On 16 Aug 2001 18:43:52 -0700, George Farris wrote:
On 16 Aug 2001 18:27:04 -0400, John Johnson wrote:
Thanks that did it! Now words that are mis-spelled are highlighted. But
shouldn't I see a drop down box or be able to right click on the word
and see the suggested correct spelling?


Ctrl-Shift-s does it for me.  Much nicer than having to use the mouse.

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Thanks that works. The problem with this approach IMHO is that it
requires the user to click on each individual miss-spelled word and then
do Ctrl-Shift-s. This can be time consuming for long messages with lots
of mis-spelled words. What I'd like to see is spell-checker as a menu
option. Whereby I could spell-check my message in it's entirety. Or
maybe an option in Evolution to spell-check my email prior to sending

It would also be nice if I could replace, replace all, ignore and ignore


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