Re: [Evolution] Regarding how to get spell checking working -- I know how! :-)

Spell checking is working for me with Aspell .32.5 alpha.  However I
cannot control it.  Once I select suggest word, I have to select a word
before I can get back to the message - and the select box is sometimes
blank which means the message has to be closed before I can regain

I saw "gtkhtml capplet" mentioned once, where can I find/run this from
if that will allow me to set some sane defaults?

The test-gnome-spell-capplet (?) seems to work OK, but the dialog box
doesnt show within evolution, I just get a little "suggest word" text
popup and I cannot find anything on the evolution menus to define some
default behaviour.


On 12 Aug 2001 12:53:03 -0700, Miles Lane wrote:
Hi all,

If you are like me, you've been wondering for a while how
to get spell checking working.  I've just done it.  Here's how:

Install pspell 0.12.2 from RPM/Deb/source/whatever.
and then untar, build and install it.
and then untar, build and install it.

Previously, I had aspell-.33.6.3 installed and that didn't work.

Good luck.  I hope this helps.


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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