[Evolution] Regex filters

I'm currently fixing this in CVS. The new behavior will be to use plain
text matching for [contains, does not contain] and regex for [matches
regex, does not match regex].

So, "matches regex" and "does not match regex" are new option menu items.

When 0.7 is release (or if you run current CVS), it will be necessary for
everyone who has modified their filters to modify their filters yet again.
If you want to continue using the regex patern, you'll need to select the
appropriate option-menu item, else you'll have to take out the escape

I'm really sorry for the confusion,


Whenever i try and get mail w/ 0.6 i get this error:

Error while 'Fetching email from pop://aclater nhqntex01 nextel com':
Failed to perform regex search on message body:  Invalid preceding
regular expression

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