Re: [Evolution] Evolution Configuration

You need to install the bonobo-devel package


On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, mpierce wrote:
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 08:02:29 +1100
To: "Gnome: Evolution mail list" <evolution helixcode com>
From: mpierce <mpierce optusnet com au>
Sender: evolution-admin helixcode com
Subject: [Evolution] Evolution Configuration

By installing everything in the helix package, I seem to have satisfied
all the  necessary dependency except bonobo.

../configuration runs all the way until where is needs bonobo stopping on
the following error however, I have the necessary packages installed as

      checking for Bonobo >= 0.17... configure: error: Bonobo newer than 0.17
is required to compile Evolution
      [root DellBook evolution-0.5.1]# rpm -q bonobo
      [root DellBook evolution-0.5.1]# rpm -q bonobo-devel
      [root DellBook evolution-0.5.1]#

Can anyone tell me how to satisfy this (I've tried compiling bonobo in
/usr/local but there are failed dependencies)?

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com
1999: year of the Spruce

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