Re: [Evolution] Is there a news reader planned?

Dan Winship wrote:

But I thought that was the point of using components.  Evolution does a good
job of using the gnome-pim for it's calendar portion...I don't see why it
couldn't do as good a job with pan.  Am I missing something?

The point of components is that people can write more components, not
that you can embed completely arbitrary things.

Evolution doesn't use gnomecal for its calendar, it uses
evolution-calendar, which was based on gnomecal, but has diverged
since then.

If the Pan authors wanted to add support for the Evolution Shell IDL
stuff to Pan, then you would be able to run Pan inside Evolution. But
you can't just run arbitrary apps inside Evolution, because they won't
know how to interact with the other apps.

Anyway, getting back to the original question: there's part of an NNTP
provider in the tree, and it will be finished some day, but I don't
think Helix Code is planning to finish it before the 1.0 release. Of
course, someone else could finish it instead. A good place to start
would be seeing if the current NNTP code still compiles against the
current Camel code, and updating it if it doesn't.

i got it compiling against the camel of about a week ago.  didn't test it out,
just wanted to get it building again with notzed's new summary stuff.  reading
messages was possible a while (a month?) ago, and should require minimal work to
get things working again (if it doesn't already work :)

posting is a different matter, since it's another transport in camel's eyes, and
i never got around to figuring out what changes needed to happen where.

by all means, if someone wants to step up and claim the nntp code, go for it --
i'll even help out.  otherwise i'll work on it in my spare time.  who knows,
maybe it'll even work by the 1.0 release.


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