Difference Epiphaney - MS Explorer


I have sometime found som small differences between the way Epiphaney
and MS Explorer show html-websites. 

In general when Epiphaney show these sites where differencesappear, text
is often mixed with an other text or there is a line break where it
should not bee one. 

One example is the Swedish website eniro.se. When the "supersök" option
is selected, the textbox is moved a line down, and when the option
"websök" is selected the text near the option, is mixed whit other text.

In MS Explorer these faults does not appear.

I have also found differences in other websites and it seems that it in
most cases is a line break that make the trubble - i.e. a line break
there it should not bee one.

Epiphaney is a good browser and this beauty spot perhaps lead to that
people choose an other.

Yours sincerely,

Mats Olofsson

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