Re: What can be learnt from Chrome

I think there are quite a lot of user interface features that could be
learned from chrome also. For example:

* Each tab should have a throbber, there should not be a general
throbber for the browser window. This way if one tab is taking a long
time to load it looks (correctly) like that tab is being slow, doesn't
give the psychological impression that the whole browser is slow.

* You should be able to browse history as if it were any other web
page. Chrome autogenerates a nice, searchable html page with your
history in chronological order. ctrl+h opens it.

* The same goes for bookmarks also.

* Have a useful new-tab page instead of a home page. Chrome
auto-generates a page with thumbnails linking to your most-visited
sites, a list of your recently bookmarked sites, and a couple of other
handy things.

* The ability to drag a tab out of the browser to move it into a new window.

* Chrome does not have a File Edit View etc. menu bar because it
doesn't need one. It has the URL bar and a bookmarks bar which can be
shown and hidden with ctrl-b. It gets as much useful functionality in
as firefox or epiphany, using a lot less vertical space.

* The status bar only pops up when it has something to say, the rest
of the time it doesn't waste space.

There are lots of other little things like this. Since I'm back on
linux now I can't run chrome to remember them all. But I think it's UI
is quite a lot better than epiphany or firefox.

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