Re: New Tab Behavior and Close Other Tabs

On 6/8/07, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt myrealbox com> wrote:
But contains an auto-focused text field. So if you don't use
Ctrl+Enter (because you don't know about it or aren't used to it), then
to open an address in a new tab, you need to:
1.  press Ctrl+T
2.  wait for the page to load and do its focus stuff
3.  press Ctrl+L
4.  enter the address
5.  press Enter.

If new tabs didn't open the home page, steps 2 and 3 would never be
necessary. If Epiphany focused the address field on new tabs, steps 2
and 3 *sometimes* wouldn't be necessary, but they'd be necessary if
Google or similar was your home page.

So perhaps we should try to deprecate home pages, by finding ways of
encouraging people to set up launchers for pages instead.

(Disclaimer: I use neither a home page nor tabs, so it's possible I
don't know what I'm talking about.)

The only big  issue I get when this crops up is when I open a new tab explicitly for pasting a new URI into the location bar. I use X copying (middle click to paste) and hilighting the location bar ruins that. So then I must clear the new tab location bar and then paste in the URI of my choice again.

However, I'd agree that loading a page and NOT focusing it would be a Bad Thing. It'd be annoying for someone that actually likes and uses the functionality of a homepage being loaded on every new tab.

- Zotnix

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