Re: Epiphany, Gnome Keyring, Mentoring


Le jeudi 07 juin 2007 à 08:16 +0200, Raphael Bosshard a écrit :
> it always (at least since I've started using Epiphany as my main
> browser) struck me as somewhat curious that Epiphany doesn't use the
> nice Gnome Keyring to manage it's passwords and stuff. This is
> something I've been waiting for a long time.
> I think the time to wait is over. I think I'd like to implement that
> feature. :D I'm a somewhat experienced C coder, I've started some
> small GTK+ projects myself and already burnt my fingers. I don't know
> the internals of Epiphany yet, but if one of you guys is willing to
> give me some hints where to look (say: mentor me), I think it won't be
> long until I'm ready to contribute some real things.

That'll be a nice desktop integration feature!

Implementing this just became a lot easier in gecko trunk, with the new
login manager. Previously you'd have to re-implement the whole password
manager, while now you just need to implement one interface,
nsILoginManagerStorage. There is a mozilla bug filed for this at . Note that the
nsILoginManagerStorage interface may not be best suited for this task
yet; you will probably need to improve it to make it async, and doing so
requires to work upstream with mozilla. You'll need a bit of JS, and
some C++ too, but I can help you with the C++ (the glue you need to
build the nsILoginManagerStorage implementation class).

I think if you want to take this task, it should be done upstream in
mozilla, and you should only work on trunk, not on the 1.8 branch. That
means the feature will be available in epiphany compiled against gecko
1.9 only (expected later this year). (It also means you'll need to build
gecko trunk from source, but we'll help you with that, too.)


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