Re: New Extensions - Tabs on Treeview

On 4/11/07, Stefan Stuhr <gnomelists sstuhr dk> wrote:
tir, 10 04 2007 kl. 03:10 +0000, skrev kevin michel:
> Hi,
> I'm currenly working on a new extension replacing tabs with a sidebar.
> I think this may interest people with lots of tabs, I found it scales
> better with more than 10 tabs
> and allow faster visual scanning and reordering (less distances
> between tabs). It's not really better than tabs on the left though,
> except it's more compact and visually lighter.

I do use a lot of tabs (think 76 tabs in a single window -- I have many
tabs right now), but as the resolution on my laptop screen is only
1024x768, I don't think I will use this extension.

How do you manage this with normal tabs ?

I have tried it, however, and I have the following comments:
      * The current tab isn't selected in the treeview when I enable the
        extension (there's no row selected).
      * I can't open the /TabsOnTreeviewPopup popup menu; there's no
        empty space in the treeview to right click on. What about having
        it pop up as well when people right click outside the treeview
        on the sitebar?

I will fix both problems. (In fact for the second problem, I may
remove the menu completely if I manage to implement right/left dnd,
execpt if I have something else to add to the menu).

      * I will suggest to connect to the "popup-menu" signal on the
        treeview, and use it to pop up the relevant menu (depending on
        which row in the treeview, if any, have focus). This will
        improve keyboard navigation.

Didn't know about this signal, thanks.

      * It would be nice to have a way to show/hide the sitebar; e.g. an
        item in the View menu, and a keyboard shortcut.

> The code is not yet clean and needs testing, particularly for
> differences between 2.16 and 2.18 ( I'm working on a 2.16.3 epiphany
> ), known issues and limitations are :
>  * Incompatible with the Sidebar extension
>  * The close button is in a place we expect it to close the sidebar,
> not the current tab.
>     I don't know where to put the "close current tab" button(s),
> horizontal space is not cheap
>     in a toolbar so having one per row isn't a good idea I think.

I am not sure what you mean about "having one per row" in a toolbar.

It's a mistake, I meant sidebar in fact.

my Only One Close Button[1] extension makes a close button available in
the toolbars editor. It works well, for the most part; however, the
button remains available when one disables the extension. I don't know
how to solve this with the current Python extensions API, but it's not a
big issue, IMHO.

I use your extension for the same reason. For your problem with
finalisation, maybe you could try to count the calls to attach_window
vs. detach_window to know when you are detached from all windows and
so unloaded (or epiphany closed, in fact)

Anyway, you are welcome to use the relevant parts of my extension in
yours (it's GPL, as is Epiphany, so extensions have to be).

Thanks, this reminds me to add the GPL header to my extension .


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