[Epiphany] Security prompt dialogs

As someone may know we are sharing with galeon the code to create
mozilla security prompt dialogs. Though they have now introduced a
custom, hig compliant dialog class.
Personally I think following them on that way would be a very bad idea,
gal and eel teaches. Introducing helpers for something that need to be
solved at an higher level later (definately gtk IHMO), is a bad idea
because getting rid of helpers is hard once you introduced them. Also
it's scary to think that all apps may have to introduce their helpers
for something simple like prompts ...

I think there was at least three better ways to solve the issue:

- Convince Owen to support hig dialogs in gtk+ in some way
- Hack a new implementation in egg, either using the same api or
changing it if necessary. It could have gone in gtk later (3.0 or when
Owen would feel comfortable).
- Make glade support higgy dialogs

Anyway I think I have these possibilities to deal with sharing problem.

- Convince galeon people to use gtk at least for mozilla prompts until
there is a better solution (or to work on it ;)
- Use their hig dialog as private in mozilla/
- Modify their code and lose the ability to sync

Another thing to keep in consideration is the possibility that the two
implementations will fork ui wise in the future (the work we are doing
on security design could convince us to make changes).

Opinions ?


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