Re: [Epiphany] Topic thoughts

Leif Johnson <> wrote:

> I don't want this to come across as a flame, but why don't you use "Linux"
> and "Demoscene" as two separate topics ? Prefixing things with Linux_ seems
> like you're trying to preserve your bookmark folder hierarchy. Maybe that's
> what you want, though. :)

Imported from my galeon bookmarks, spaces were converted to _ and that was the
end result. In effect, Ephy preserved my folder hierarchy for me.. my earlier
comments about remove/rename should be observed here.

I hope nobody takes anything I say as flames. I'm just trying to project my
point of view. I'm a user not a developer. I'm doing the best I can :) I
think this discussion needs more end-user input.

> As I see it, topics provide a more organic way to classify some pages that
> might fit well in multiple categories. For example, I was pleased when
> "Numerical Recipes in C" and "pgapack" (a genetic algorithm package) both
> fit in my "algorithms" topic, even though pgapack is also in my "genetic"
> and "packages" topics, and Numerical Recipes is also in my "books" topic.

I don't yet have any bookmarks with multiple topics. I can't find it useful in
any way. Infact, generalizing the topics causes problems. falls
under "linux demoscene" but not "amiga demoscene". I understand, I should add
it to the "linux" and "demoscene" topics, but do this to a few dozen linux
related bookmarks (or demo related) and suddenly these topics are uber-clutter,
defeating the purpose. I can't get linux demoscene links without seeing either
all linux links or all demoscene links.

If I could finish re-organising what I have (lots have been pruned in this
effort) I can almost see it happening, "linux" giving me a dropdown of 50+

I think the problems I have are related to having a good amount of bookmarks.
This needs to be taken into consideration. There is no way I am the only
person to actually USE the bookmark system thats been in place for so many
years, across so many different browsers.

> Also, when you change even one letter of the topic for a bookmark that has
> only one topic, the dialog removes the bookmark from that topic and also
> takes the bookmark out of focus. Perhaps the update should only occur when
> the topics text entry widget loses focus ? Might not be intuitive, just a
> thought.

And on another note, the 'adding a bookmark' dialog should have a topic list
dropdown? I get the feeling this might be dificult, but the idea is ctrl-click
or shift-click to select multiple topics. Would make this process alot easier.
> >Toolbar needs a Clear Location button.
> One thing I miss about Galeon on this front is that opening up a new blank
> page fills the URL bar with nothing, and provides it with the keyboard
> focus. Is there any way the "about:blank" text in the URL bar could be
> selected by default when opening a new, blank tab ? It would remove the
> "move hand to mouse, point, select, move hand to keyboard" process.

It being selected might place it into PRIMARY cut buffer? I was just reading
something on the use of clipboard. My feeling is, a blank page should have
a blank location. Eliminate all unnecessary steps. I think most people would
prefer this.


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