Re: [Epiphany] Topic thoughts

On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Erik wrote:
>I have topics Linux and Linux_Demoscene, typing Lin gives only bookmarks
>matching Linux topic, To get the others I must type out at least Linux_
>or Demo, this seems unintuitive. Especially if I have multiple Linux_*

I don't want this to come across as a flame, but why don't you use "Linux"
and "Demoscene" as two separate topics ? Prefixing things with Linux_ seems
like you're trying to preserve your bookmark folder hierarchy. Maybe that's
what you want, though. :)

As I see it, topics provide a more organic way to classify some pages that
might fit well in multiple categories. For example, I was pleased when
"Numerical Recipes in C" and "pgapack" (a genetic algorithm package) both
fit in my "algorithms" topic, even though pgapack is also in my "genetic"
and "packages" topics, and Numerical Recipes is also in my "books" topic.

I guess it's just a different approach to the whole organization question.

>The ability to remove a topic is essential. Currently, having to delete
>all bookmarks related to that topic takes too much time. Also need ability
>to rename topics. These are crucial points after importing bookmarks.

I agree, it took me a long while to get my bookmarks transferred over from
Galeon because of this. Maybe right clicking on a topic on the left side of
the dialog could bring up a context menu ? Remove, rename, etc.

Also, when you change even one letter of the topic for a bookmark that has
only one topic, the dialog removes the bookmark from that topic and also
takes the bookmark out of focus. Perhaps the update should only occur when
the topics text entry widget loses focus ? Might not be intuitive, just a

>Topics should not be case-sensitive.

I also agree here.

>Toolbar needs a Clear Location button.

One thing I miss about Galeon on this front is that opening up a new blank
page fills the URL bar with nothing, and provides it with the keyboard
focus. Is there any way the "about:blank" text in the URL bar could be
selected by default when opening a new, blank tab ? It would remove the
"move hand to mouse, point, select, move hand to keyboard" process.

Just some comments, keep up the nice work on a great browser !


Leif Morgan Johnson .
IAESTE trainee      .
Salomon Automation  .

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