Re: Responsive Gnome instance


On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 02:45:50PM -0500, Saumya Dwivedi wrote:
I know the work has been long overdue, but if you guys can look over it and
give your suggestions and feedback, we can hopefully push it forward soon.

I noticed that the screenshots in
got refreshed. Quite nice!

The "puts you in control" stanza in
talks about notifications - how GNOME generally doesn't get in the
way, how one can comfortably deal with notifications, and how the
messaging system piggy backs on notifications. However, the screenshot
(a fullscreened GIMP) doesn't really match the text, in my
opinion. Not that the older screenshot (Maps) was any better, but
still.  Also, we are generally trying to loosen our instant messaging
integration via Telepathy, so, maybe, we shouldn't put too much stress
on that.


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