Re: Photo pledge, we need more photos from GNOME events

Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
If content is under a free license I don't really get why something like
Wikimedia[1] Commons or Flickr isn't used to *share* with the wider
manchild out, there instead of putting them in our own 'data silo'.

Sorry, I totally forgot to reply to this. The main reasons I went for
our ownCloud instance were:

 * It allows the Engagement Team to collaborate on curating the sets of images.
 * We can use it to keep our own copy of photos, in case they
disappear off the internet.
 * It means that the images can be stored alongside other team assets,
such as merchandise designs, screenshots, dummy content, and archives.

That said, I'm not dead against using another service.


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