Re: Annual Report next steps

I've spent most of today on the Annual Report, and it is starting to
get there. The to do list on the wiki is up to date, but for
convenience, here are the outstanding tasks:

P.1 - title?
P.5 - letter from the GNOME Foundation. -- KarenSandler
P.11 - gap at the bottom of the page - needs filling. Could use the
list of sponsors or logos. Might not be room for all the logos though.
Ideas welcome.
P.15 - missing bugzilla charts.
P.18 - Use gray Mozilla logo
P.19 - needs a generic full-page photo. Could be connected to Friends of GNOME.
P.22 - needs photo credits and special thanks?

I've also proof read the entire report, although it could do with
another set of eyes.

The accessibility campaign article was mostly written in the current
tense, and made quite a lot of references to the future. I've updated
the text to refer to 2013 rather than "this year", but some factual
inaccuracies might have been created in the process. If someone could
check this, it would be most appreciated.

The current version of the report can be found here:


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Allan Day <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com> wrote:
So we are really close to the definitive deadline for articles and

I have added a list of outstanding work items to the wiki page:

This includes missing data, photos, and a list of articles for
proofreading. If you want to take on a task, please add your name next
to the item in the list, and please indicate when you have completed

I've already written up the releases article, and have done some
tidying up on the layout side.


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