On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 03:05:40PM +0000, Allan Day wrote:
Thanks to everyone who staffed the GNOME stand at FOSDEM! It was great
to have so many enthusiastic volunteers. If you were there - how did
you think the stand worked, and what could we improve for next time?

The information leaflets are in black and white; doesn't look nice. I
can print a few hundred of those in colour and send them to whomever has
the event box.
^^ send me a (link to a) PDF and I'll print

We should always sell nice t-shirts IMO. The green ones: I don't really

Stickers are awesome. We should always ensure to say they they are free.

The webcam was broken under the Fedora installation

Didn't get many questions, though was way less at stand than previous

Ideally we should stand at the stand, not sit down.

At least one demo machine should continuously show videos. Maybe we
should have a few videos on, then ensure that they're
always on the machine itself. This avoids any network issues (which you
usually have aside from FOSDEM :P).


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