Re: wgo pages


Some quick comment bellow. Removed the parts I'm not replying to.

2009/5/26 Claus Schwarm <clschwarm googlemail com>:
Yes, sure.

First, there are not so many differences between to Top-Level Navigation
of both suggestions. This is easier to see when one uses similar

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I think, my original phrases are easier to understand, and perform
better with Search Engines. But that's just a minor detail.

Your suggestions look very good imo. I wasn't really happy with the
Renamed ones...

Third, the main problem with Quim's suggestion is that it tries to
provide too much information about too many (different) products and
thus fails to sell any of them. Typically, the usual guideline for
people selling on the web is "One Product => One site". Or at least,
"One Product => One Page".

This is why I argued years ago to have a separate
domain. It took Murray nearly a year to understand why this makes sense.
Just recently, for example, I noticed the announcement of a new Dia
version on It pointed to the mailing list announcement! And
that one pointed to a FTP server with Tarballs!

Seriously, you can't expect users to trust in the Linux ecosystem when
stuff like that happens. And it would have been as bad as if it pointed
to or We simply
don't have the resources to keep wgo up to date with all the products
and projects.

Agree. Even though one of the things I wanted to see more on wgo (for
2.30 release) is a nice way to highlight all the cool apps that are
being created based on our platform and are part of the GNOME
ecosystem. Example: GNOME Do, Gwibber, GNOME Recipe, Banshee, F-Spot,
etc. Also, we must think of more meaningful ways of showing users how
to install those apps (other than pointing to a non-sense tarball,
which is indeed ridiculous). I also want to see GNOME "hotsites" about
specific topics like GNOME.Play (for media stuff) or GNOME.Office (for
productivity stuff), GNOME.Fun (about games, kids, etc), GNOME.Online
(for web integration stuff), etc. With a CMS, we can have easy ways to
create and maintain this kind of thing. This should be discussed later
(2.30) though. Now we should focus on the core elements of the

Thus, my suggestion tries to sell the desktop on wgo, only.

I'd say we have two "institutional" products to sell: the desktop
*and* the platform. I think we're doing a really bad job on selling
both. Not sure yet how to organize the content around those products
but the important thing is that we don't mix content for developers
with content for users. In practice, this (obviously) means it should
be clear where to go depending on what you're looking for. One option
is to leave the 'About' with general content about GNOME as a project
(our mission, our goals, our history, who we are, etc) and have a
top-level section for Products (Desktop and Platform). I see things
like and, dunno. So, the
Products section would only have points to Desktop and Platform pages.

So, the top-level navigation would be:


About would be:

    * """ Index provides short overview of the project (our mission),
desktop, platform. """
    * History
    * Foundation

And Products would be:

    * Desktop (
      * Why GNOME Desktop?
      * (Take the Tour)
            o (Slide 1)
            o (Slide 2)
            o (etc.)
      * Testimonials
      * Deployments (Success Stories)
    * Platform (
      * Why GNOME Platform?
      * (Take the Tour)
            o (Slide 1)
            o (Slide 2)
            o (etc.)
      * Testimonials
      * Users (Success Stories from GNOME-based product developers)

Side note: I think selling a "desktop" is a very tough task as it's a
too abstract concept for end users. What they "see" is Ubuntu, Fedora,
openSUSE, etc, not a desktop environment running on an operating
system. Anyway, not saying it's not possible. Just making sure it's
clear to everyone that this is a challenging task which will demand a
lot of work and creativity to get right.



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