Re: Become a friend of GNOME button

I agree with Andreas. It's true that we should want many people to put a
badge on their side, since it's a prerequisite to find more donors.

But to fix this, a prominent place for the link to the badges page will
not be sufficient. Just a small fraction of GNOME users will visit the
friends page, and of these, only a small fraction will have a blog or

Therefore, we will need to "advertise" the badges page by other means,

When the badges page will be ready, we could use 

 - the GNOME Announce mailing list, 
 - a planet.gnome blog (Stormy's, maybe?)
 - the GNOME frontpage

to announce the badges program.

It will probably also be useful to send reminders via
every 6 weeks or so, since our main problem might not be a lack of
willingness to help, but procrastination.

Thus, I suggest to just put another headline under "Cooperate
sponsorship" with a small text and link and move on. Remember: You can't
optimize what you didn't measure. To get it the word out is probably
more important right now.

Best regards,

On Mon, 2009-05-11 at 10:35 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
I've came up with an alternative for the Friends of GNOME button. I've
got it running on one of my own websites. You can see the result here.
I feel this is a bit too much diversion for the front page. It was designed
with the primary goal of pushing people to donate, and I don't want to drift
away from this too much.
A link beneath the link to "List of previous donors" should probably be

I'm afraid that if we put a link below "List of previous donors"
nobody will notice it and I believe it's key to get many people to put
a badge on their site. I also agree with you that currently my
proposal is a bit noisy and could distract too much. Especially the
HTML code distracts. What about this version

Both the button and the hyperlink link to the pages with the badges
I'm still not quite happy about it.
Our number one goal is to get people to donate, to get others to donate 
is a secondary goal.
When I first enter the page now, it appears that I can become a friend 
of GNOME either by putting a badge on my website, or by donating money. 
It's too prominent now, especially as it's placed in the top, right corner.
- Andreas

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