Re: Call for User Screenshots

Nigel, are you going to post this more widely?
Luis (whose screenshots for every release seem to be basically the same ;)

On 8/28/05, Nigel (Screenshots) Tao
<gnome two twelve screenshots gmail com> wrote: and
both link to a "User Screenshots Gallery", but does not.

I am collecting screenshots of GNOME 2.12.  Mail them as PNG
attachments to gnome two twelve screenshots gmail com or hit "Reply"
(sans "To All"), and in a few days, I'll make a gallery page, with

In order to encourage variety, please send only one screenshot per
person at this stage.  Also, if you want to say one or two sentences
about what's on your screen (theme, apps, fonts, languages, etc.),
then I'll try to incorporate that as well, if enough people do so.

Nigel Tao.
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