Re: made some release notes 'splash' changes

On 8/28/05, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
<quote who="Luis Villa">

If someone could proof/comment, I'd appreciate it.


 * remove "Desktop and Platform" from the heading and para 1, because we
   ship more than the desktop and platform, and calling the whole thing
   "GNOME X" a stronger message of coherency.

Reasonable, done.
 * remote "providing... work done" -> we provide more than that, and our
   users aren't "average". ;-) If you want to keep this sentence, perhaps
   change it to something in the second person, "all the tools you need..."

Have given it another shot; please take a look.

 * <ul> for release notes languages?
 * <ul> for press release languages?

Thought about it, but would get very long and dominate the page. Would
be open to other suggestions- agreed that the current list of links is

 * would be good to put the press release and community announcement up the

AFAICT those are completely uninteresting; I'd rather remove them
altogether than put them above the downloads. The press already got
the press release, and the community already got the community
announcement. People coming to this page want to see the important
highlights (the release notes) and know how to get what was announced,
not know what fake quote we chose for Owen this release, or what funny
quip Elijah chose for the release announce.

and remove the icky "people who actually did the work" bit.

I was attempting there to make it non-marketese; am open to other
explanations of what the community announce is.


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