Re: In need for some text for a poster

I think it's useful to be associated to day to "Linux desktop" but I
think it's more precise and possibly relevant (if not today, tomorrow)
the concept of "free desktop".


En/na Luis Villa ha escrit:
On 8/10/05, David Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:

We would like to welcome you to Linux and the GNOME dekstop.
Welcome to the Official Desktop of Happy People!

Can we take out "Linux and"? GNOME isn't just for Linux, and I'd like to
see us establish our own brand presence (which might include "GNOME
applications on Windows" soon) Also, we talk about the GNOME Desktop
Environment higher up, here it's the GNOME desktop. I've changed both to
the GNOME Desktop.

As an aside, while we do want very badly to establish our own brand,
we also want to (as much as possible) be affiliated with 'linux
desktop'- the reality is that no one goes around googling for 'gnome'
(unless they want tiny men in hats), and lots of people have interest
in the 'linux desktop', so we need to capitalize on that and make
google love us on that phrase.


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