Re: Some criticisms of GNOME

You can't win a discussion with a journalist.

You can, by not discussing.

I would apply some Art of War here and I would create a "Get the facts
on GNOME"-like page with a link visible in the new homepage or the GNOME
introduction page. The objective of this page would be to summarize
GNOME's responses to the most usual subjects of criticism. The answers
won't be like "this is not true and we are right" (except for criticisms
that are objectively plain not true) but like "interesting, but in GNOME
we have thought about and we have decided that our option is better
because a b c".

Most of the criticism I've read about GNOME is related to things that
work different that the MS Windows / MacOS paradigms a normal citizen
acquires in the school, at work... I mean, this daughter that hates
GNOME and loves KDE has possibly a knowledge and an opinion about a
proprietary OS that will look "normal" to her. Her father too, I bet.

There is no usefulness to confront those paradigms directly, nor to get
into Slashdot battles. We have much better things to do. I would
acknowledge all criticism, think about it and discuss common answers to
be published in this page we can link to when falling in those discussions.


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