Re: FOSS study in education

Claus Schwarm wrote:
I stumbled over an article [1] written by Samps Okholm from Grant High
School in Mt. Gambier, South Australia. He writes:

  "Studies we carried out [...] showed that users' preference for
applications to do specific tasks, is closely related to when in their
education they were introduced to the applications. 

From the standpoint of another *informal* study conducted by me on
students who are involved in writing out theses, I would concur.

Swapping of MS-Office with OO.o 1.1.x produced disastrous results from
both sides. At that point of time I tended to dismiss it off as
conditioning which was anyway not completely cohesive as an argument
since both sample groups used MS-Office at some point in their careers.

Would love to see a proper study being conducted on this.



You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw

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